
See What BacKrete® Customers Are Saying …

“We have used this product at our Travel Plaza. It has made a great improvement on our gas pads. Our customers have noticed the difference; our corporate team have also noticed the difference. This product is a blessing for appearance!”

- EH, Travel Center Manager

“We have used BacKrete® outside of our fast food restaurant and have been extremely pleased with it! BacKrete® has far out performed every other product we have ever used!”

- EJ, Restauranteur

“Just letting you know how pleased I am with BacKrete®. It spreads so easily over moist surfaces and BacKrete® really does remove the oil stains. Great Product!”
- BB, Distributor

“I used BacKrete® on a painted concrete floor of a fire station where we had a lot of spots from our diesel fire truck. With one application there was a noticeable difference within 24 hours and within 48 hours the oil and fuel spots were gone! Great Product”

- TV, Fireman

“BacKrete® is the simplest and easiest solution for removing oil and diesel, including stains, that I have ever used. BacKrete® is an environmentally safe, waterless cleaner for the removal of oil, grease and diesel. It requires no scrubbing and no rinsing. Spread the product on concrete and walk away. The bacteria will ingest the hydrocarbons and leave the surface clean and stain free.”

- MO, Convenience Store Supplier

“BacKrete® is the best product I have ever used to remove oil stains from concrete! I had a 6 ft x 8 ft area of concrete which hydraulic fluid from a fork lift had soaked into the concrete for more than a year. I cleaned the wet area with an absorbent. The hydraulic fluid had stained the concrete. Next, I sprinkled a small amount of BacKrete® into the stained area and brushed it into the concrete. It seemed to begin to work immediately, by the next day you could hardly tell where the stain was. I was amazed how well BacKrete® worked.”

- BF, Contractor